Remember the Magic and Power of Letters


Letter writing doesn’t have to be a lost art. (Photo by Canva)

When is the last time you received a letter? I’m not talking about an email or a text, or even a blog post like this one. I’m talking about the old-fashioned kind where someone took the time to put pen to paper to send you their thoughts and reflections, then put it in an envelope, slapped a stamp on it and sent it through the good old US Postal Service. Read more of this post

NOLA’s Spirit Reminds Us To Keep Going

Jackson Square

A statue of Andrew Jackson rides high on his stallion amid Jackson Square in New Orleans’ French Quarter.
(Photo by Jathan Fink, Jadeworks Entertainment)

Proud NOLA natives, Deborah and Merlin Dyer celebrate everything about the culture of their hometown, from the French fleurs-de-lis that are prominently “hidden” in every picture frame, seat cushion and corner of their home to the vibrant, jazzy art that covers its walls. Last night, my wife and I joined the couple for an authentic New Orleans feast in their new Texas home, but they introduced us to much more than an exquisite meal.   Read more of this post

October Is The Perfect Month To Work Hard And Play Harder

Jathan Fink

Jathan welcomes October with open arms.
(Photo by Jathan Fink, Jadeworks Entertainment)

Hi Everyone,

I always feel like autumn never officially starts until October, when the temperatures finally drop and the evenings are cool, pumpkins make their appearance everywhere, including my oven, and apples are ripe for harvesting. But it also means that summer fun is over and it is time to settle into a stricter writing routine. Every writer has his or her own strategy. Some are planners, others like to see where their writing takes them, and then some, like myself, plan a loose outline so they know where the story is headed, yet are open to the possibilities. That’s what has been happening to me lately.  Read more of this post

A Message from Jathan Fink

Esperanza Hurley and Heather Fink

Jathan’s two favorite funny girls, his niece Esperanza Hurley and wife Heather. (Photo by Jathan Fink, Jadeworks Entertainment)

Hello everyone,

June has arrived, and so has the summer heat and humidity. Now that the rains that flooded North Dallas seem to have subsided, the rivers are once again receding and the long, languid, sunny days of the season are finally here. I have to admit that even though I typically don’t revel in the heat, after spending what seemed like an endless winter in New England with enough snow to bury our house, I’m loving being back in Texas and am actually kind of enjoying the warmth (so long as I can retreat to the air conditioned comfort of the indoors when it becomes too unbearable). Read more of this post

How Does Stephen King Feel When Studios Change His Stories?

Under The Dome

Stephen King’s novel Under The Dome made its way to television this summer. (Photo courtesy CBS Television)

When you’re a writer, one of the most challenging parts of the job is when people want to change your work. Whether you’re dealing with an editor, an agent or even a professor conducting a workshop in your latest creative writing class, those criticisms are hard to swallow. But what happens when you’re one of the most famous authors on the planet and a studio wants the creative license to tweak your story almost to the point of being unrecognizable? How do you cope? Read more of this post