The Magic of Radio is Alive and Well

Transistor radio on desk by photo and plant.
Remember your first transistor radio? (Photo by Jathan Fink, Jadeworks Entertainment)

When I was a kid growing up in the 1970s, my dad gave me my first little transistor radio. Of course, back then it only picked up AM stations and those that it was able to receive still had plenty of static. But I loved listening to it as Dad worked on the car outside or I played in the yard or hid out in my treehouse. Those were much simpler times, and although technology has come a long way, in some aspects, I find that I yearn for those easy days, particularly now that we’re in the pandemic and suffer from media overload.

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There Comes A Time – Part Seven [FICTION]

Homemade baby food

As Deb teaches new mothers how to make homemade baby food, does she have something else up her sleeve? (Photo by thedabblist, Flickr)

Deb stood behind the cafe counter inside Little Things, pulsing boiled apricots in a blender as she taught a dozen new mothers how to make homemade baby food. “Now slowly add the apple juice and puree,” she said. “You want the apricots to have a smooth, thin texture. If it is too thin, you can always blend in a few Cheerios to thicken it up.” Read more of this post

There Comes A Time – Part Six [FICTION]


Detective Evan Pappas doesn’t give up easily. (Photo by Ian Freimuth, Flickr)

Detective Evan Pappas stood in Chief Arnold Braley’s office glaring down at his boss in annoyance. As usual, his superior sat back in his desk chair and watched him, unmoved. Everyone joked that Chief looked like a bulldog, with his droopy eyes and thick cheeks. They just never said that to his face if they knew what was good for them. “I hear what you’re saying, Pappas. I really do. But you’re not the one the commissioner calls in the middle of the night when his ulcer flares up because he’s worrying about the budget. Without any viable leads to go on, I simply can’t make a case for continuance. We simply have to let this one go.”   Read more of this post

There Comes A Time – Part Five [FICTION]

Fitness classes

Carla and Daphne meet again in the gym. (Photo by Nottingham Trent University, Flickr)

Carla had barely raised her blood pressure as she exercised halfheartedly on the elliptical machine and stared out the window. Cold Case. She just couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that the police were giving up. To her, the case was anything but cold. But then, they weren’t the ones who felt as though everything inside them had shriveled up and died, were they? Even though she had told Evan she understood his quandary and had halfway expected it to happen at some point, the truth was that she couldn’t help but feel somewhat betrayed by the men and women who had promised her that they would solve the case. City budgets only went so far, she rationalized, so it made sense that after a time they would have to use their resources to pursue cases with leads. Still, the change in status stung. She was just grateful Evan was on her side and had promised not to forget, to keep digging. He was one of the good guys, and she was grateful their paths had crossed.  Read more of this post

There Comes A Time – Part Four [FICTION]


Detective Evan Pappas gives Carla dreaded news at a local diner. (Photo by Paul Sableman, Flickr)

The crisp air blew Carla’s hair back as she and Detective Evan Pappas walked down the deserted street in silence. The cool breeze felt good on her skin, but she tightened her coat’s belt anyway, just so it didn’t start flapping in the wind. She had wondered when she would see him again. Over the past year, he’d been a fixture in her life, appearing frequently at first, but then as time passed the visits came farther and farther apart. “So, you said we needed to talk,” she said, not daring to look at him. For a cop, he was exceedingly handsome with his shock of black hair, his rich olive complexion, and disarming smile. She could only imagine that some criminals were only too happy to be handcuffed by him and carted away.  Read more of this post